Luke 14:16-24 NIV
16 Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17 At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
18 “But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’
19 “Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’
20 “Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’
21 “The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’
22 “‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’
23 “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.
24 I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
In this parable, the giver of the feast is God. He says “come, for everything is now ready.”
The grace and mercy of God is a feast for our soul, if only accepted. The most wonderful thing about it is that the feast is free. No charge, no pre-requisites for anyone. Simply come.
The invitation has been given and all that has to be done is to accept it.
This parable is the foretelling of how the Jews would reject the Gospel of Jesus.
However, it serves also as an illustration of the indifference of many since that day, to the gift of salvation.
After the guests are invited, they begin to make excuses for not being able to attend.
In other words, they want to be excused.
One said “I have just bought a field and must go see it.” I’m not sure how common it was to buy land without seeing it first, but this fellow says he did and asks to be excused.
The next one says he has bought five yoke of oxen and he is on his way to try them out. It was obviously urgent that the oxen be “tried out” immediately, so he asks to be excused.
The last one mentioned says, I just got married, so I can’t come. Simple and to the point.
These three characters in the parable represent the Jewish nation, who as a whole would reject Christ. Yes, many Jews were converted during Christ’s ministry, but the Pharisees and Jewish leaders convinced many more to reject Christ and ultimately demand his death.
Yet, these three characters also represent millions of people who have lived and died since the time of Christ, who didn’t and don’t have the time or the interest to find out who He is and what He offered them.
Tragically, the Jewish religious leaders and most of the Jews overall rejected Christ and denied His divinity.
Also tragically, many if not most of the people alive today, do the same.
They are rejecting the "way, the truth and the life" and the only way to be reconciled with our Father in heaven.
Their excuses range from too much to do, too busy, not enough time, I’ve got to provide for my family…to I just don’t believe that He is Lord.
People who deny Christ, want to be excused. They disregard the warnings and teachings of Christ. They live as if their spiritual life and eternity do not matter.
However, when we stand before the judgement throne of God, our excuses will not be heard. At that point, our eternal future will not be negotiable. No gimmes, no mulligans, no exceptions.
God tells us plainly that there will be NO excuse, if we fail to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.